camera with me so I decided to take a picture of it! I didn't edit this picture at all isn't that amazing?

this is a place where taylor and Mckinley will write about they're opinion on EVERYTHING!
Drove she ducklings to the water
Every morning just at nine,
Hit her foot against a splinter
Fell into the foaming brine.
Ruby lips above the water,
Blowing bubbles soft and fine,
But alas, I was no swimmer,
So I lost my Clementine.
How sad is that??? so i was just thinking about it, and i thought i would post it to see if anyone else had thought about it, or was wondering what the song was actually about...
Anyway, i dont have much else to say... Well this weekend was my cousins baby shower, and my mom planned it for her, and me and my mom had to set up, and clean up the whole thing, with barley an help, except for one of my cousins friends... that was kind of frustrating, but what ever, life is just to short to be mad, and unforgiving, right? So i say, maybe, if u have been mad at someone, for a REALLY long time, maybe you should just forgive them, or just let them go, and not think about them, and keep them out of your life, if you can't forgive them. And i know what your all probably thinking, Who is this kid on the internet to tell me what to do, or, WHyt he heck should i forgive _________(your enemies name here) after s/he __________________ ( why your mad at them), but really, i am not trying to tell you that you should just always let people walk all over you, and give them a million chances, but you could just think about forgiving them, if you really dont want to have that baggage for the rest of your life... You dont even have to tell the person you forgive them, just let what they did go, and put it behind you... OK i am not going to bore you with my rif raf (hahahahaha)!!!!!
LUVS A MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!