Friday, April 30, 2010


OK, now i can talka bout my AWESOME book! so anyway, it was about this girl who lived in this town called emerson, and its like a total suburb. Then her dad leaves, and they have to sell their house, and move in to a "ratty old unit" as she (the main charecter) calls it. she also has to drop all her extra curriculars, like swimming and stuff. she is really mad becuz her sister who is 14, is always going away and hanging out with her friends, when she's SUPPOSED to be grocery shopping and baby sitting her little brother, so when she leaves, (the main charecter, i cant remember her name, so i'll just call her Jane) Jane is left to take care of her brother... Anyway, i am not going to tell the whole plot, but it is really good, and if u feel like ur life suckz, then u should check out this book and realize how good u have it, or u could go to africa and build houses and feed starving children, if u think ur life is the worst in the world, that is. OK i have decided i am going to start writing about my exercising every day on here, and that way, i can just come on here and c what i have done! LOL... OK so, today i didn't do any exercising, unless you count trying to pry my little brothers of my head... OK see you LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



cool book alert!!!!!!!

OK, i just read, "Just another day in my insanely normal life" and it was sooooooooooooooooooooo good! shoot! (ok, i admit it, i was going to say somthing else in stead of shoot, but this is a family blog, right? ok maybe not) i have to go eat lunch, will right more about it later!!!!!!!


Tay Tay

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


OK, so i dont really know what i am going to write about right now, but i am going to post anyway. So on my facebook, i posted the age old confusing question, "if a tree falls on an island, and no one is arounf to hear it, does it still make a sound?". Now my theory on the question is " DUH! even if no one is there to HEAR it doesnt mean it doesn't make a noise, becuz all over there are sounds being made that no one can hear, and they are still sounds!" but other people think that it wouldn't... I dont see HOW they wouldnt think it didnt make a sounds, but what ever. So... Well yesterday i went to this Homeschooling potluck thing in this campsite by the lke, it was SO COOL! We were like putting a bunch of leaves on a stick, then putting then in the fire, so that they catch on fire, and then throwing them in the lake, and u can see them go out. I know it sounds stupid, but it was cool. Then at the end, we had to put the fire out, and th lady who planned it was like "OK time to put the fire out!" and all the boys were like "YAH" and they were about to PEE ON THE FIRE! and i was like Yah we dont want to c that... It was pretty funny though! um...OO! so i got this idea for when i move, for my new room. So there was this lady at the pot luck who said when she moved in to her house, one of the rooms had PURPLE FUZZ on the bottom of the wall, all around the room! and i thought that was an awesome idea, so i think i am going to try it when we move! I'll let u know how it works!


BYE BYE, pumpkin pie!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hey 'yall!!! whats up? OK so i dont know how many ppl actually read this, but i am going to post anyway, in hopes that SOMEBODY will read it... SO i am reading Lisi Harrison's new book, Alpha's, about Skye Hamliton, who is a small character in the clique books! It is all about how she gets excepted to this uber-fantastic school on this Island called The Alpha Island. So ur prolly wondering what the heck "Alpha" is, well here is BASICALLY what it means: obviously, it sounds like the beginning of ALPHA-bet, so it means (sort of) like the best, because it, or the person, is best, and always comes first. Then it ALSO means, that they have confidence, and everybody looks up to them. Now SOME "Alpha's" that u would think of would be the popular people at a school, who are mean, and la de da, but, even though a true alpha CAN be mean, they r not usually, because they have to be a good example for everyone. now, that was MY perception of the word, but here is what the dictionary says: : 1al·pha
Pronunciation: \ˈal-fə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from Greek, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew āleph aleph
Date: 13th century

1 : the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet — see alphabet table
2 : something that is first : beginning

Now anyways, Skye goes to the school, and meets other Alphas. Now there is a lot more to the story, so i will try to write more later!




Thursday, April 1, 2010

New things

Okay so this thing isn't really working (as you might have noticed) BUT we would like you to come up with somthing REALLY fun to do everyday! so it would be GREAT if you would give us some ideas!

HEy everybod-ay!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to gym class today! FUN FUN! (well, SORT of...) but anyway, i wanted to let everyone know... My rat has rabies, and has to be in the Animal shelter for a couple weeks,,, :(

JK!!!!!!!!!!! I dont even HAVE a rat!!!!!!!!!! APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!

