Monday, May 31, 2010

The little things are the one's that matter the most.

I was just walking to school when I see these two deer in some one's yard! I had my
camera with me so I decided to take a picture of it! I didn't edit this picture at all isn't that amazing?

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Great Literature

I've been reading alot of great literature like Hamlet and Pride and Prejudice. These great books/plays are amazing because the writer really understands his or her charictors which in turn makes US understand the charictors in the book or play that we are watching. It also makes us realise things in ourselves and all around us that we never noticed befor. Your probably thinking "yeah righ! Like Pride and Prejudice could ever tell us about people and situations that I'm going through right now." But guess what? It does say you've just been asked out by two guys you'de never date in a million years and your thinking AAAAAAAAAAAH what am I going to do guess what you can learn alot by how Elizabeth deals with proposals to marrige. Or maybe your mom just remarried and your really sad and don't like the guys she's with and think that he might have killed your dad. You could learn alot from how Hamlet goes "crazy" and ends up killing everyone in the story! Oh wait never mind DON'T do that! But what I'm saying is that you might want to check out some of those books on the school list of books you need to read or read one of those thick old looking books that your parents just love and have been pestering you to read because they might help you deal with what'g going on in your life! Just sayin!

I <3 you all!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


OK, so today i went grocery shopping with my mom and brothers, and i realized (actually i just realized this a few minutes ago...) I am so lucky to even HAVE food! i mean think about it, I (or you) could be living on the streets in a cardboard box with no food, or in Africa, starving, so skinny you could see each of my ribs... So i have decided that i am going to stop taking things for granted, like food and water and family, and i am going to start being a better person!!! Becuz, not only will it make me happy, but it will also make OTHER people happy, AND it will give me good KARMA!

Pronunciation: \ˈkär-mə also ˈkər-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit karma fate, work
Date: 1827
1 often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence

So, know u know what KARMA is (OK i will stop doing it in uppercase)! So the reason i am going to be a better person is so that good things will happen to me! like not getting a life threatening illness, or becoming homeless...Becuz i know i can be mean sometimes, i have been trying to avoid situations that would make me yell or make me mad! But my WONDERFUL (hint hint) Brothers seem to thoroughly dislike me, and i might be becuz i have been mean to them in the past.... But anyway, they call me names like Stupid and Turdface, so when they do that, i just take a deep breath, and walk away, becuz even if i DO say something, they're not going to stop, so what the point? Anyway, thought i would just tell u about that, so...


rolyaT (taylor)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cinnamon Toast

Cinnamon Toast yes I know you probably know how to make Cinnamon Toast but do you know how to make it the best you've ever had? How to make it melt in your mouth good? How to make it so you'll probably get Cardiac Arrest but it will be worth dieing because it's so good? Well here's how.
Get a piece of of aluminum foil that's big enough to fit a piece of bread on it easily. Then put the piece of bread on the piece of aluminum foil then coat it in butter (Coconut oil works too) so that it's got a good amount on the whole thing. Now put cinnamon on the bread (however much or little you want to) then sprinkle sugar on. (put enough on that it looks white but not to much because then it will be crunchy) Now put it in the oven (or toaster oven) until the sugar melts and walla your done!
I <3 you all!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


YAYAYAYAYA! time to celebrate the women who carried us inside them for 9 months, gave birth to us, feed us, house us and love us. DON'T take your mother for granted, becuz someday, she'll be gone, and you will be full of regret. So for all u ppl who dont live with ur mother, call her once in a while, just to see how she's doing! And if you still live with your mother, dont pick fights, help out with stuff with out being asked, and who knows, maybe you'll get what you wanted for your birthday ;) Anyway, i dont want to make you cry or anything, so I'll stop, yes yes, i know, i am just so wise! (JOKING)! So... I rode my bike to the park today, cuz thats what my mom wanted to do, and it felt good! I mean, i haven't ridden my bike since ike, December, when i was in this play and my mom would work on the weekends, so i had to bike in the freezing cold in the morning! But I dont want to turn this in to a pity party, so anyway, like i was ssaying, it was really nice to ride my bike after so long! SO i think i am going to try to do it more often! NOW, i HAVE to tell you about the awesome bike my mom and dad have! So, as some of you know, i have 2 little brothers (5 and 6) and they can ride they're bikes, but not very far so, we bought this "extender kit" that takes the back of your bike, and makes it like a foot longer,and moves the tire back. Then on top, there is a big board that can hold up to 300 pounds! So the board isnt really very safe for people to ride on for a long time, so my dad and brothers and my grammpa made another board for it, with SEATS on it, so now my little brothers have somewhere to sit! PRETTY COOL! OK well i have to go!


Saturday, May 8, 2010


Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? I mean I love it and all but it's just so hard to be motivated to make anything for you at to early in the morning when you don't even have motivation to get up!
You know something? They should just make commercials shorter! because nobody wants to watch these long commercials telling you to buy Littlest pet shop! I mean REALLY! I mean the least they could do is come up with something funny or something!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I love you all!

Dude the fish on here are SO cool! I was like zoning out (while I was supposed to be doing chores) and I was feeding them and they are SO cool!
Have any of you seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer? (the show not the movie) She is SOOOOOOOO cool! I mean she's pretty she's tough she's sarcastic (wow sounds like me! lol) and she has her own TV show! I mean how much cooler can you get? They have it on Netflix now on watch instantly and you all should watch it instantly! lol
Okay here's my word of advice for the day! You know how there are always those girls (or boys) that seem to just have all the luck they get all the guys (or girls), they have 1,000,000,000,000 friends, they've got all the coolest clothes, and they've got that "It" quality? Well guess what? YOU can be that girl. (or boy) Think about how they act, (probably really nice to EVERYONE even the little #$%^&*!) How they stand, (probably very strait and strong looking) and how they act around the opposite sex (probably more flirty and cool). But guess what? YOU can do that to next time you feel super insecure or kinda out of the loop think of what that person would do and DO it life is to short to be shy and think badly of yourself! So take a risk make a new friend and BE YOUR AMAZING SELF! Okay your probably thinking she sounds like some person on a magazine or TV show but just try it and tell me how it works!

I <3 you all!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh my darlin' Clementine

So, as i was putting away the dishes tonight (UHG UHG UHG, hate doing that), i had the song "clementine" stuck in my head. (now this has happened before, but it just keeps on happening) Now as i was singing it, i actually thought about the lyrics, and realized, it is a REALLY sad song, and i have no idea why it is a childrens song! i mean, look at the lyrics:


Drove she ducklings to the water

Every morning just at nine,

Hit her foot against a splinter

Fell into the foaming brine.

Ruby lips above the water,

Blowing bubbles soft and fine,

But alas, I was no swimmer,

So I lost my Clementine.

How sad is that??? so i was just thinking about it, and i thought i would post it to see if anyone else had thought about it, or was wondering what the song was actually about...

Anyway, i dont have much else to say... Well this weekend was my cousins baby shower, and my mom planned it for her, and me and my mom had to set up, and clean up the whole thing, with barley an help, except for one of my cousins friends... that was kind of frustrating, but what ever, life is just to short to be mad, and unforgiving, right? So i say, maybe, if u have been mad at someone, for a REALLY long time, maybe you should just forgive them, or just let them go, and not think about them, and keep them out of your life, if you can't forgive them. And i know what your all probably thinking, Who is this kid on the internet to tell me what to do, or, WHyt he heck should i forgive _________(your enemies name here) after s/he __________________ ( why your mad at them), but really, i am not trying to tell you that you should just always let people walk all over you, and give them a million chances, but you could just think about forgiving them, if you really dont want to have that baggage for the rest of your life... You dont even have to tell the person you forgive them, just let what they did go, and put it behind you... OK i am not going to bore you with my rif raf (hahahahaha)!!!!!

LUVS A MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's to all you lovesick puppies!

Hey hey!
Okay so you ever head over heals in like with somone and you want to know if he likes you here's what to do you go up to him and if his nostrils flare then he likes you and if he doesn't then I'm sorry but you should try to get over him I mean if he doesn't like you he's not worth it anyway (I know your thinking ya right thats what EVERYBODY says but guess what I was TOTALLY in love with this guy who I knew didn't like me and it turned out that he was the biggest JERK ever! So just remember that!

<3 you all!