Friday, May 14, 2010

Great Literature

I've been reading alot of great literature like Hamlet and Pride and Prejudice. These great books/plays are amazing because the writer really understands his or her charictors which in turn makes US understand the charictors in the book or play that we are watching. It also makes us realise things in ourselves and all around us that we never noticed befor. Your probably thinking "yeah righ! Like Pride and Prejudice could ever tell us about people and situations that I'm going through right now." But guess what? It does say you've just been asked out by two guys you'de never date in a million years and your thinking AAAAAAAAAAAH what am I going to do guess what you can learn alot by how Elizabeth deals with proposals to marrige. Or maybe your mom just remarried and your really sad and don't like the guys she's with and think that he might have killed your dad. You could learn alot from how Hamlet goes "crazy" and ends up killing everyone in the story! Oh wait never mind DON'T do that! But what I'm saying is that you might want to check out some of those books on the school list of books you need to read or read one of those thick old looking books that your parents just love and have been pestering you to read because they might help you deal with what'g going on in your life! Just sayin!

I <3 you all!


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